In my classroom, I loved to tell funny, scary, sad, happy and adventurous stories.
One day, one of my students asked me, "Can you write that story and draw the pictures?"
"What a wonderful idea!" I told him.
That night, I wrote and illustrated my first picture book- "El numero 1/ The Number 1."
I finished the book at 1:00 A.M. and I was thrilled.
Then, I wrote and illustrated more books. Soon, I had a box labeled “Mr. Colato’s Books”. I discovered that during independent and silent reading, this box was empty. All around the classroom, my students were reading my books. I was so excited and decided to write more and more books.
After presenting a new book, Elvis told me, “You are the teacher full of stories.”
“Sí, yes! He is the teacher full of stories,” all the children said at the same time.
And I became the teacher full of stories at Fernangeles Elementary.
One morning, children’s book authors Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy visited my school and told me, “You have to send this wonderful books to publishers.”
I am delight that I followed their advice. It was not easy but now I am a published author.
I still love to tell and write stories for my students and children all around the world. Yes! I am the teacher full of story and this is marvelous.
Mr. Colato Laínez Books
Fabiola, Fabiola
Los tres pastelitos sabrosos/ The Three Delicious Pies